Xylia.gr Kostakis Α.Ε.


SKU: 90002024

Niangon thrives in the coastal forests of West Africa from Sierra Leone to Liberia and from the Ivory Coast to Ghana. A similar kind is found in Gabon and is shipped under the same name.

It is also known as nyankom (Ghana), ogoue (Gabon), yami (Sierra Leone), whismore (Liberia), anguekong and kwaeduma.

Its color is white with shades of gray

General Info

Niangon thrives in the coastal forests of West Africa from Sierra Leone to Liberia and from the Ivory Coast to Ghana. A similar kind is found in Gabon and is shipped under the same name.

It is also known as nyankom (Ghana), ogoue (Gabon), yami (Sierra Leone), whismore (Liberia), anguekong and kwaeduma.

Its color is white with shades of gray

  • Exterior Frames,
  • Window Frames,
  • Doors,
  • Drawer Sides,
  • Boat Building,
  • Furniture,
  • Veneer and Plywood.

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